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Mystery Shopping
Sample Report

Here is a mystery shopping sample report I did for a restaurant in Texas in 2009. There were 25 YES and NO questions to answer and the description of what happened. It was asked to give 4 points for each YES question and 0 points for each NO. You must comment on any questions that you answered NO to.

Mystery Shopping Sample

Here were 11 of the 25 questions asked in the report:

- Was the exterior to the restaurant clean?

- Were all the lights working in the parking lot?

- How long did it take before you were greeted?

- Were you greeted in a friendly manner?

- How long did it take before you were served?

- Was the restroom clean and fully stocked?

- What did you order?

- Was your main entree good tasting?

- Was your drink properly mixed with ice?

- Did the person who waited on you check back often?

- Were there any problems during checkout?

Here is the description of what happened during my visit. I started the mystery shopping sample report with the appearance of the restaurant, moved on to the quality of the service, how the food was and how it ended.

Mystery Shopping Sample Report

The exterior of the restaurant looked pretty clean, except for one trash can that was overflowing with garbage. Plus, the yellow stripe divider lines in the parking lot were faded. It was daytime, so no lights were used during my visit.

When I walked in the restaurant, I was greeted immediately by two waitresses and a shift manager. All said a collected "hello." Heather, the shift manager, told me that I could take a seat anywhere. I sat down at a booth and she brought me a menu and took my drink order. She said a waitress would be with me in a moment.

One minute later, Connie walked up to me with a big smile, placed my drink on the table and introduced herself. She asked if I was ready to order. After I gave her my order, Connie asked if I would like anything else. She did not ask if I would like an appetizer or dessert. I took points off for that.

Seven minutes later, Connie walked by and said she would look in on my order. She came out two minutes after that with a very hot plate. It was too hot to touch. I used my napkins and my silverware to move the plate around. The hamburger was hot, but the bun was a little stale. The French fries were a little crisp, which was perfect for me. My drink was watered down and was overloaded with ice.

After my food was delivered, Connie did check with me once to see if I needed anything. However, when I was nearly done with the meal, I was looking for her so I could get the bill. I went to the restroom at this point. The men’s restroom had soap on the floor and was out of paper towels.

When I returned to my table, the busboy had already cleared it off. Had I seen Connie earlier, I would have told her my intention and left the bill on the table to show someone was still there. The busboy seemed a little surprised and apologetic that I was not done eating.

I took points off for the payment process as well. I walked up to the cashier's desk and asked for a bill. Heather seemed a little surprised I didn't have one already. She looked up what table I was at and printed up the receipt. I told her that my table was cleared before I was completely done with the meal. Heather was shocked about that and offered me a drink to take with me. She yelled at the busboy for clearing the table. Heather gave me the bill to sign and she wished me nice day.

I think this is what happened. It was the end of Connie's shift and no one followed up with me after she left. I did not see Connie again after the one time she checked back with me. The big thing here was that I could have walked out of the restaurant and not paid anything -- and no one probably would have noticed.

This mystery shopping sample report gives a lot of details, which business owners and managers love to see.  They want to know as much as possible from the mystery shoppers eyes what goes on with their business. 

Some mystery shopping companies would have dropped the last paragraph of this mystery shopping sample report.  They don't want you to express your opinion in these reports.  They only want you to write what happened.

Don't use this mystery shopping sample report as a sample of your writing when applying for mystery shop companies. It's been done before and that will tip them off that you aren't on the level with them.

Learn how video mystery shopping can pay you more per assignment.

Here is a report on the legality of mystery shopping.


Mystery shopping is a great business to make some extra money in your spare time.  My book (and eBook) can teach you how you can get started with a business of your own.  It's titled "Take That Job And Mystery Shop It!"

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