Here We Go Again!
When you look around right now, you see the prices are rising sharply again on gas and groceries. The airlines have raised rates three times this year. The unrest in the Middle East and Northern Africa take a good part of the blame. It looks like a repeat in history from 3 years ago. I heard one so-called "expert" in the world economy say that if oil prices reach $150 per barrel, we'll be in another recession. He's probably right. We're at $100 per barrel now and it's rising fast. The bad thing is there are no easy solutions.
One solution is getting yourself in motion right now to avoid the brunt of the economic woes that may lie ahead. You can start by saying to yourself "I'm going to miss this economic complication." How do you do that? One thing you can do is start your own business. A Network Marketing business, for example. Network Marketing companies do very well during times of economic challenges. People are looking for opportunities where they don't have to depend on a corporation to determine whether they work tomorrow or not. Tough economies are actually good times to start a network marketing business. For many of you who have no money to spend, Mystery Shopping can present a few opportunities to make some money. You can schedule your shops during your free time and make some money that will help you in the long run. I used my mystery shopping earnings to help pay for pay-per-click ads for my network marketing business. Mystery shopping did get hit hard in the last recession. Assignments dried up when business owners were strapped for cash to pay for them. Network Marketing is where I make the majority of my income now. If you read my story (, I struggled with the business at first. But, I stayed with it and found my niche. My entire family is grateful. Keep this in mind when you look at the rising costs of living. The best stories and the greatest successes of people are born out of extreme desperation. No matter how bad things get, you can rise above the turmoil. It takes a positive attitude and determination to better yourself. If you don't own a network marketing business right now, you should seriously consider one. If you are in a business and haven't worked it much, work it as hard as you can. Make sure you make the internet your friend when working the business. Many successful business owners have a Blog and a website to attract people they don't know. They are both essential to have for your business. You can learn more about Blogs and websites by visiting my website at:
Make sure to read the FREE eBooks about Attraction Marketing and the Great Lies of Network Marketing.
Don Servais
P.S. It comes down to you. Do you want to get caught up in an economy where you spend more for less and have little left over for everything else? Or, do you want to do something about it. Now is the time to start a business so that you are in control of your own destiny.